Virtual Consultations
Since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic it has been increasingly common for consultations to be undertaken by telephone or using one of the video platforms like Zoom or Teams. These are Virtual consultations.
We have found that Virtual consultations can work well for some follow-up consultations, particularly when the object of the consultation is to review the results of studies that have been undertaken and to discuss treatment options.
However, Virtual consultations seldom work well for first consultations because it is impossible to undertake a physical examination.
We do understand that many people have been at home for a long time and are unused to coming out at present. We do take precautions to minimise the risk of you being exposed to Coronavirus infection. In some clinics it is not possible for friends or family members to accompany you. Exceptions can be made if you need a carer with you and you should call the clinic in advance to confirm such arrangements. It is also possible for friends or family to join your consultation on Zoom or Teams if you would like them to be involved in the discussion with your Consultant. Please speak to your Consultant’s secretary before your appointment so that arrangements can be put in place if this would be helpful to you.
Contact Us
If you have any general questions or would like to make an appointment, please get in touch with us on any of the following: